
Dr. (Mrs.) Bilqis Abiola LAWAL 

Dr. (Mrs.) Bilqis Abiola LAWAL 

Senior Lecturer
Pharmacognosy & Drug Development
Office Address
Room 01, First Floor 1, Main Administrative Building, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Ilorin
Teaching and Research Area
Pharmacognosy, Drug Development, Ethnomedicine, Natural Product Chemistry, Bioactivity of medicinal plants


Bilqis Abiola LAWAL, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacognosy and Drug Development, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria with more than a decade of university teaching, research, and administrative experience. She has served as Level adviser, Examination officer, Departmental coordinator, and currently the Sub dean of the Faculty as well as Desk Officer for KU8+ and U6+ Consortiums. Her main areas of research interest include ethnomedicine, phytochemistry, bioactivity of medicinal plants, plant metabolomics and herbal medicine. However, she is currently developing a keen interest in plant functional genomics with a focus on improving secondary metabolites that can conquer neurodegenerative conditions, with focus on Alzheimer’s Disease.She has to her credit over twenty publications in reputable outlets covering journals, editted conference proceedings and chapters in books. Dr. Lawal is a member of many professional bodies within and outside Nigeria.